Submit Painting

Submit Painting

Information about Sending the Paintings:


Painting sending will be carried out in two steps. For the first step, you should submit the digital form of the painting and the participation form, only.  If the selector committee accepts the painting for exhibition, you are expected to post the original painting. Please consider the following information.


1. Participants could be included in the program with only 1 (one) of their paintings.


2. Participants could apply for the exhibition only with their peintures that are on toiles.


3. Sides of the paintings should not be shorter than 70 cm and longer than 150 cm.  


4. For committee evaluation, the visual should be in JPEG format with high resolution (300dpi). You should submit the visual of your painting to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a participation form, available at the bottom of this page, which includes information about the participant/ artist and the painting. 
Please click to access the participation form.


5. The paintings which are accepted for exhibition are required to be posted to an address to be announced later with the participation form you submit in the first step.


6. Only the paintings accepted by the selector committee could be exhibited in the symposium. Paintings apart from the submitted and accepted ones are not allowed to exhibited in the symposium.


7. The paintings to be posted are required to be ready for exhibition.


8. Participation in the exhibition is free of charge. However, all shipping expenses are covered by the participants.


9. The symposium organization committee or Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University do not take any responsibility for any possible damages which might occur during the shipping.


10. A certificate of participation will be issued for all exhibited paintings. The exhibited paintings will be published in the e-catalogue at the website of the symposium.



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Friday, February 07, 2025